Multiple sclerosis (MS) is an autoimmune disease of the central nervous system that causes an autoimmune response in the CNS through infection and environmental factors, and there is still a lack of effective treatments. Creative BioMart can provide immunotherapy services to develop specific suppression of the immune response to autoantigens to achieve effective treatment of MS by effectively reducing auto-reactive T cell responses through pMHC-coated NPs.
Unlike autoimmune experiments in which we typically use a particular antigen to actively immunologically induce disease, human MS involves complex antigens in which cells of the adaptive immune system, such as B cells and T cells, act in concert with cells of the innate immune system to cause disease. Therefore, therapeutic development solutions for MS need to consider strategies that comprehensively inhibit auto-reactive T and B cell activation in a disease-specific manner and do not compromise normal immune responses. pMHC-NPs are based on this assumption and have the ability to treat in a disease-specific manner.
Fig.1 NPs coated with peptides bound to MHC II (Yu C S, et al., 2018)
pMHC-based nanodrugs represent a new class of drugs based on the mechanism of induction of antigen-specific regulatory T cells, which are promising for the treatment of autoimmune diseases and can be used to treat MS in a disease-specific manner. pMHC-NPs are more effective in reducing the response of auto-reactive T cells compared to soluble pMHC complexes, because of their multimerization valence, as well as superior TCR cross-linking properties, and properties such as NP protection of bound pMHC molecules from degradation.
We provide solutions for a variety of pMHC- NP-based approaches for the treatment of MS, including designing structures, exploring function, and validating therapeutic relevance. Our services help guide the development of pMHC- NP therapies for MS in a better direction.
The development of innovative MS therapies is one of the core research areas at present, and in this regard, pMHC-based nanomedicines can improve the effectiveness of conventional therapies for immune system diseases such as MS. Creative BioMart offers development services for pMHC-related drugs for autoimmune diseases, helping to fast-track our clients' projects, so that their products are expected to become powerful drugs in the MS therapeutic arsenal.
If you have ideas for pMHC-NPs therapeutics, please contact us to be your reliable partner for planning and execution.
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